Eugene Church of Christ
2424 Norkenzie Road
Eugene, OR 97408
(541) 687-9351
Sunday Morning Classes & Worship
Please join us at 9:30am for classes for all ages.
The worship service starts at 10:30am in the auditorium.
Or you may listen to the service
on your car radio (FM 100.1)
in the Parking Lot.

Sunday Sermon
Live with ASL Interpreting
Wednesday Evenings:
We are meeting together in the Fellowship Hall at 6pm.
Do you want to learn more about the Bible?
Do you have questions about God?
Sign up for a free online Bible Study at:
Eugene Church of Christ
2424 Norkenzie Road
Eugene, OR 97408
(541) 687-9351
“Defend the Cause of the Fatherless.” — Isaiah 1:17
Virtual VBS, Online VBS, Vacation Bible School 2020, VBS with ASL, Worship inside the building, worship on FM station in the parking lot