- Jun 19, 2016A Father’s Love
- Jun 5, 2016The Good Samaritan
Jun 5, 2016The Good SamaritanBy: Brian LewisSeries: Parables of JesusIt's very easy sometimes to let stereotypes get in the way of how we see people. If someone in the first century heard this cast of characters--a Priest, a Levite, a Samaritan--they might already have in mind who the hero and villain of the story might be. Jesus challenges our judgment and challenges how we see others and who we should be.
- May 29, 2016Lost and Found
May 29, 2016Lost and FoundBy: Brian LewisSeries: Parables of JesusIn Luke 15, we find three parables of things that were lost and later found, and we learn something very important about God. He wants desperately to find the lost, and he wants to restore a relationship with them.
- May 22, 2016Perfecting Love
May 22, 2016Perfecting LoveBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristAt the core of being the body of Christ is love. We love God. We love our neighbors. What should that love look like? We find a lot of those answers in 1 Corinthians 13.
- May 15, 2016Reflecting Love
May 15, 2016Reflecting LoveBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristPart of being the body of Christ is reflecting the image of Christ to the world around us. An essential part of that image is love.
- May 8, 2016Committed
May 8, 2016CommittedBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThis Mother's Day, we look at the story of Hannah. Even though life was not going as she planned, she remained committed to God and wanted to commit a child to his service.
- May 1, 2016Time With God
May 1, 2016Time With GodBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThe National Day of Prayer is coming up later this week. In this lesson based on Bill Hybels' book,Too Busy Not to Pray, we look at the importance of prayer and some practical steps to improve our communication with God.
- Apr 24, 2016Improve Your Serve
Apr 24, 2016Improve Your ServeBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristIn Galatians 6:9 Paul writes, "Let us not become weary in doing good." We are probably weary about many things, but I wonder how many of us actually wear ourselves out by serving others. This week, be encouraged that part of being the body of Christ is being heavily involved in service to others.
- Apr 17, 2016Church Without Walls
Apr 17, 2016Church Without WallsBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristOne of the key functions of the church is to reach out to the world to share the gospel and love our neighbors. Those two things rarely happen if we do not take the mission of the church beyond the walls of our building.
- Apr 10, 2016To Be Holy
- Apr 3, 2016Above All
Apr 3, 2016Above AllBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristIn Colossians 1:18 Paul writes, "And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy." As we consider what it means to be the body of Christ, we have to begin with the foundation of Jesus.
- Mar 27, 2016Hope
Mar 27, 2016HopeBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThe message of the resurrection is a message of hope. Because Jesus overcame death, we know we can spend eternity in His presence.
- Mar 20, 2016New Life
Mar 20, 2016New LifeBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscAs we near resurrection Sunday, we take a look at what the resurrection means for us: a new life. What should that new life look like? Does it resemble the lives we are living?
- Mar 13, 2016Connected
Mar 13, 2016ConnectedBy: Brian LewisSeries: Being the Body of ChristOur Life Groups are currently in a study entitled "Being the Body of Christ." In this lesson from 1 Corinthians 12, we will talk about what it means to be part of the church and how each of us brings something unique that God intends for us to use for Him.
- Mar 6, 2016Changing the Pattern
Mar 6, 2016Changing the PatternBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkOur series on the book of James comes to a close with this lesson. If we are going to live the kind of life James describes in his book, we have to change our patterns of thinking and behavior. We must learn to view God and His church as our first source of help instead of as a last resort. And in all things, we should pray with the knowledge that God is able.
- Feb 28, 2016Have Patience
Feb 28, 2016Have PatienceBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkFor many of us, developing patience might seem like an impossible task. We live in a fast paced world, and we don't like to wait for anything. James teaches us in chapter 5 that patience is only the beginning. While we wait or suffer, we have an opportunity to show compassion, steadiness and much more to those around us.
- Feb 21, 2016Love Does for Eternity
Feb 21, 2016Love Does for EternityBy: Andrew BakerSeries: Eugene RallyAndrew Baker has been our guest speaker throughout the weekend for the annual Eugene Rally. This morning he ties together the theme, "Love Does," with this message from Mark 12:28-34.
- Feb 14, 2016The Name of Jesus
Feb 14, 2016The Name of JesusBy: Brian LewisSeries: MiscThis week, our middle school Bible class shared some of the names of Jesus they have been studying recently. In Philippians 2, Paul describes what makes Jesus a man that we want to emulate and how important his name will be to every person.
- Feb 7, 2016Treasures
Feb 7, 2016TreasuresBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkWhere do we put our trust? Money? Power? Government? James reminds us in the beginning of his fifth chapter that our trust should be in God above all else.
- Jan 31, 2016Higher Perspective
Jan 31, 2016Higher PerspectiveBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkAs we struggle with sin, there is a temptation to downplay our own sin and magnify the sins of others. Instead, God wants us to be realistic about our own sin problem and work daily to overcome it.
- Jan 24, 2016Don’t Take What God Is Trying to Give You
Jan 24, 2016Don’t Take What God Is Trying to Give YouBy: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop and was our guest speaker this Sunday morning. He wraps up his thoughts for the weekend with a reminder of what the church should be and whose vision we should be following.
- Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 2
Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 2By: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop. This is the second of his two part presentation about biblical leadership, the use of power, dealing with difficult people and church life.
- Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 1
Jan 23, 2016Biblical Leadership – Part 1By: Randy WillinghamSeries: MiscDr. Randy Willingham from Harding University was with us this weekend to lead our Men's Workshop. This is the first of his two part presentation about biblical leadership, the use of power, dealing with difficult people and church life.
- Jan 19, 2016Choose Wisely
Jan 19, 2016Choose WiselyBy: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkGod desires a relationship with us. In return, He wants us to make a choice about who we will follow. Are we all in?
- Jan 12, 2016Who Is Wise?
Jan 12, 2016Who Is Wise?By: Brian LewisSeries: James: Faith at WorkMany of us know a lot of facts, but the truly wise are able to put that knowledge into practice. The Christian life should be one where the knowledge of scripture influences our daily walk.